Friday, 16 January 2009

Day 3 - Last day on La Gonave

Today we went to another project on the island, this one was only a ten minute walk away from our hotel. I just don’t know how to describe it. It was fantastic. During the day it is used as a Primary School which had 600 beautiful well behaved children. We met the local Pastor who had been working there for 27years. He had started to build a bigger church to hold his congregation ten years ago and has been gathering funds bit by bit but still hasn’t finished! It was a huge church. There was even a class being held in a small room even though it had no roof!

They brought us to see a computer lab which was one of Compassion CIV’s. It was very well done. It is the only computer lab on the island of La Gonave and the surrounding compassion projects bring children here to learn computer skills. One of the young boys in the class at the time sang a song while playing a guitar, he was fantastic.

We went on a tour around some of the classrooms and I just cannot describe how well behaved the kids where. We introduced ourselves to them and then asked a few questions and gave them the chance to do the same.

The pictures above show some of the kids at some of the play equipment. This is the only playground we have seen.

We headed back to the hotel to gather our things and head to get a speed boat back to mainland Haiti.

This is the other boat but ours was the same... Our boat won the race!

This is one of the ways the locals travel between the mainland and the island!

We are staying in a hotel which is in the most amazing location. It is right on the beach, I don’t think I could describe it so here are some pictures…

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